I conducted a survey via my mailing list asking about people’s experiences with getting feedback on their writing. I received a rush of responses – 50 in the first two hours alone. Thank you all so much for your input! Clearly, many writers think it’s valuable to get manuscript feedback, but also sometimes struggle with the process.
“Beta readers” are the mild-mannered superheroes who give us feedback on our draft manuscripts. People use the term in various ways, which is absolutely fine, but when I use it, I’m referring to a volunteer rather than a paid professional. I call a paid professional an editor, proofreader or writing coach.
I’ve seen feedback, when it’s appropriate and used intelligently, transform not just books but writers, which is why I’ve written a whole book on the topic: Use the Power of Feedback to Write a Better Book. (This informal, self-selected survey formed part of my research for the book.)
I’m the Number 1 fan of writing feedback, but I’ve also encountered problems in the process myself, and spoken to lots of others about their frustrations. This survey was about diving deeper into the pros and cons to figure out how to make it work better.
The biggest problems
My first survey question was: What is the biggest problem you face with beta readers? I deliberately started with an open-ended question which allowed people to tell me whatever came first to their minds, without any prompting from me, and without them knowing what others might be saying.
Out of 146 responses, there was a surprising (or not-surprising??) number of common themes.
- 46 people said that their biggest problem was finding the right beta readers – people who were right for the genre, had the necessary skill, could understand the beta reader role and knew what was expected of them.
- 44 people said they had trouble getting feedback fast enough, if at all.
- 24 people said beta readers were too nice and had trouble giving useful criticism.
- 12 people said they received feedback that had too little detail to be any use.
- And 7 respondents said people insisted on correcting typos when it was not what they wanted.
I’ve got some possible solutions, but first let’s look at the rest of the results.
I asked what writers most wanted to receive from writing feedback. These graphs show the responses.
- Fix typos and grammar – most writers saw this as only slightly important or not at all important. If that surprises you, check out this article on why correcting detail is not often the best task for a beta reader.
- Tell me if my book doesn’t make sense – the vast majority of writers saw that as very important.
- Show me possible solutions to the problems in my book – this was more evenly spread, from slightly important up to very important. These answers might vary according to the confidence of the writer and the insight of the beta reader.
- Tell me what they liked about it – this one tilts towards important to very important. I think this element often gets overlooked in detailed critical feedback, and yet those authentic positive statements give the writer courage to persevere with the enormity of the rewrite.
- Alert me to wrong information etc – the majority saw this as very important.
- Big picture feedback, eg too many characters or events in the wrong order (fiction & memoir), or for non-fiction such things as poor structure, weak arguments etc – the writers in my survey overwhelmingly saw this type of feedback as very important.
Bad experiences
I asked the respondents whether they’d had any bad experiences getting writing feedback. Many of them expanded here on what they’d said in Question 1.
Many of the bad experiences they reported related to getting exceptionally negative feedback from a beta reader, without any sense that the book was redeemable. Some found this crushing. Conversely, some were disappointed that they’d received only positive feedback, but it had been too brief and shallow to be any use. Others told of people fixating on small details and missing the main point, while some referred to arrogance from their beta readers. There were also multiple reports of beta readers being too slow or never submitting any feedback.
Good experiences
Thankfully, the question about whether people had good experiences with beta readers also received plenty of responses. These are some of the things that were mentioned:
- Beta readers revealed both strong points and weaknesses, discovering inconsistencies such as names or character details that accidentally changed. They spotted things that weren’t plausible or didn’t make sense, moments that might cause confusion for a reader, and times when the manuscript became boring. They noticed phrases or words that were used too often, helped reduce wordiness, and caught ‘obvious’ problems that the writer hadn’t noticed. Some contributed specialist skills or technical knowledge.
- Writers reported beta readers who brought a professional attitude and creativity to the task, who mentioned what they liked about characters, and explained parts of the story that resonated. Their feedback helped writers strengthen the ending.
- Writers reported beta readers who were kind, honest, encouraging and generous, who asked intelligent questions and sparked wonderful conversations, while presenting criticism in a respectful way. Some particularly appreciated the opportunity to ask more questions of a beta reader later.
- Some writers mentioned beta readers who gave helpful, concrete suggestions on such issues as readability and how to improve the clarity of the author’s voice – without trying to turn it into someone else’s voice.
- Beta readers helped writers see their manuscript possibilities, resulting in a better book.
- Writers mentioned feedback processes that generated better results after they started giving more detailed briefings to their beta readers (I was particularly thrilled about this – see my suggestions below).
Beta reading for others
The next question asked whether people had done beta reading for other writers. The good news is that most had found the experience rewarding, but there were a few glitches along the way.
- Many said they felt honoured to be asked, enjoyed being first to read it, and loved helping others. Many enjoyed offering big-picture feedback, and said it worked best if the writer and beta reader were a good fit, and they liked the book and the genre.
- Some preferred not to read manuscripts that were poorly written or still a rough first draft. Some wouldn’t read for random writers, but only for people they knew.
- Some declined beta reading because they were time-poor, or the timeframe was too tight. Others were very selective about beta reading opportunities, because of the heavy time commitment. Some felt embarrassed that they were ‘slow’ beta readers.
- Some beta readers reported finding the task draining, stressful and harder than they expected. Some felt overwhelmed or even scared.
- Some found it a challenge to be helpful without being hurtful, hard to be honest without being discouraging, and feared they probably gave too much detail.
- Some were disappointed that the writer didn’t seem to benefit from their input or know how to use it. Some felt frustrated when the author didn’t adopt their suggestions, but others were relaxed about whether or not their suggestions were used.
- Some didn’t enjoy the process because their author was offended, and some felt their author just wanted flattery. Others were annoyed when they received no thanks for their feedback.
- On the plus side, some said the writer’s appreciation made their task worthwhile. They enjoyed seeing a writer wrestling with how to make a book work, and were particularly satisfied to watch a writer they’d helped go on to great things.
There were other benefits, too. Some learned a lot about writing from reading other people’s drafts with a discerning eye. They learned from the way different writers worked, and became more aware of their own mistakes and possibilities.
My methods are shaped by my work as a developmental editor over a couple of decades and years of trial and error getting useful beta feedback for my own manuscripts and helping my editing clients get beta feedback for theirs. I try something, observe what worked and didn’t work, and then I test it again.
Let’s look at some brief suggestions for how to solve the main problems listed above, which boil down to three main issues:
- Finding the right beta readers.
- Getting the right type of feedback.
- Getting feedback fast enough.
1. Finding the right beta readers
I recommend that at least some of your beta readers do not come from random requests. See these resources:
- How to find a beta reader
- What makes a good beta reader
- Chapters 3 and 4 of Use the Power of Feedback to Write a Better Book, including how to find specialist beta readers.
2. Getting the right type of feedback
Choosing the right people is obviously important, but managing our communications with the beta reading team also has a powerful impact on the quality of feedback we receive. Try these resources on approaching and briefing a beta reader:
- The initial invitation
- Practical details
- A sample briefing document
- Chapters 6 to 8 of the Use the Power of Feedback to Write a Better Book.
Managing our response to feedback can also make a huge difference:
- Chapter 9 of Use the Power of Feedback to Write a Better Book covers how to get the most out of feedback. The right techniques can sometimes turn what seems to be ‘poor feedback’ into surprisingly useful information.
3. Getting feedback fast enough
Sometimes we’ve chosen people who are too busy or not motivated, BUT sometimes we simply need to communicate effectively about when we want it, and why we want it at that time. Gentle, polite reminders can also make a big difference.
We also need to manage our own expectations. Most of our beta readers have busy lives, and it might take them several of their precious relaxation-days even to read the manuscript (fitting it in around other responsibilities) – let alone think carefully and creatively about their feedback.
Whenever possible, I allow 3 to 6 weeks for my beta readers, and a similar length of time for me to process the feedback, before any publishing deadlines. It’s not always possible – sometimes timelines are tight.
But it’s when I’m doing other things over a period of time that my rewriting strategy gets a chance to mellow and mature in the back cupboard of my brain. So as the years pass and I see more evidence of the cost of rushing the process, I’m fighting more and more for that longer timeframe for both me and my beta readers.
What are your experiences with beta readers? What has worked for you? Scroll down and join the conversation below.
This is so good to read. I’ve never had beta readers before, but when I get my book finished, I’ll choose it now. It’s not common here. So I have to read more about it.
Thank you Aritha. I never heard it called ‘beta reading’ till about 10 years ago, though the general principle of the usefulness of feedback was familiar. Hope you find some useful ideas here. 🙂
My husband and I are both working professional people, and were both recently asked to be beta readers for a friend that is retired and is trying his hand at becoming a writer . We thought it was quite an honor until the pushiness occurred . With in the first week he wanted to know how far we both were in the 20 chapters he had given to us ,and by 10 days he was calling because the had the next 20 chapters ready . He would stop over for feedback at our home, and after 6 weeks , and several chapters later ,my husband and I concluded this was not going to work . He was quite upset as he views us as being a great resource due to our education and the feedback we were giving him . My point is , I agree whole heartedly it should not be neighbors or friends or relatives to be utilized as beta readers . I think it puts the reader in a difficult position when there is this close of a bond .
Hi Eve, yes it can be quite difficult at times. That’s lovely that you have helped your friend in this way, even though it didn’t work out long term. It can be hard to find the right balance. Authors do always need to be aware that they are asking a huge favour when they invite someone to beta read for them.
Hi Belinda
I was asked to do some beta-reads a few years ago for a local writer’s group. However, the combination of budding writers and a first time beta reader (who is not a writer) was a bad idea as neither the writers or I knew what type of feedback they wanted. So that was the end of my beta reading career and interaction with the writer’s group as a whole.
I will probably never be asked again, but if I am, I will ask them for a briefing. And point them to your beta readers blog posts of course 🙂
Gold Coast
Yes, a briefing can make all the difference, Stephanie. Don’t worry, many of us have had underwhelming first experiences of beta reading – whether as writer or reader! If you think you might enjoy it, don’t be afraid to offer to someone else. You’ll be amazed what you’ve already learned from those unhappy experiences. 🙂
I’d love to know where you get these beta readers from. I’ve been looking for any, for the past year and so far, Zilch. Goodreads, Facebook, multiple times, Zilch.
Hi Stuart, I’m not sure if you’ve been approaching specific people or posting general requests… but this article explains my approach, which is slow and organic. Hope it might give you some ideas. https://smallbluedog.com/the-brutal-truth-about-beta-readers.html
All useful and informative.
Bears out much of my experience of the Beta Reader animal in the wild.
Thank you, glad it’s helpful and consistent with your experience.
The issues with timeliness and inconsistency of feedback is one reason I now primarily use paid beta readers versus volunteers, other than one or two established, reliable ones. The paid beta readers typically will give the right kind of feedback, i.e. focusing on story issues over grammar, in a usable format, and within an agreed upon time. As with editors, most paid beta readers offer a free sample so you can see in advance if it will work for you. It’s saved me so much hassle and kept from spoiling my relationships with fellow writers or readers who neglect to do the beta read.
Thanks for your comment, Sherelle. It’s great to hear that you’ve found a system that works for you.
Hello, Belinda. Good, detailed article. I’ve buffered it to share.
As for when I need a beta reader, I don’t look forward to going through the trials of trying to find those that may work for me, so I’ll probably be looking to using a paid beta reader.
Thanks Phil. I’ve found it worth taking the time to form a team, but everyone is different. Whichever you end up choosing, I wish you the very best for your writing.
Great post about Beta Readers today, Belinda. I have used Beta or “First” readers for three of my books and will be using them again for the book I am finishing up now. As you point out, it is critical that you select the right readers for the book you are writing. I usually ask first readers to let me know if they have trouble following the arc of the story and what they think might be superfluous or confusing or incorrect. My experience with beta readers has been beneficial and positive. I will be reposting your survey on my blog: https://ronaldyatesbooks.com/category/foreign-correspondent
Thanks again for sending this along. Ron Yates
Thank you Ron! I’m glad you’ve found both this article and the beta reading process useful. It sounds like you’ve been asking your beta readers good questions.
Hi Belinda from a cold and snowy UK.
This is very timely, thank you, I will be sending my latest book out to a new batch of beta readers within the next week, and as it’s been over a year since publishing my last book, I’ve been wracking my brains to remember what exactly I need to ask in my briefing.
I’m also beta reading for a fellow author right now, and I will admit, I’m finding the typos and writing mistakes rather irritating, even though he’s most interested in a view on the main character. Personally, I like to send out as clean a manuscript as I can manage at this stage, but I’m starting to realise this isn’t the case for everyone.
At least your survey has reminded me to ask him first, if he’s interested in the proofing mistakes, and if not, it’ll take me a fair bit less time to write up my report!
Hello Deborah! Nice to talk to you again. 🙂 Yes, it’s so important to ask questions when we’re the author, and when we’re beta reading, isn’t it… can save everyone so much time. I hope both your current/impending projects go really well. Stay warm!
Cheers! It has been a while, hasn’t it?
It’s on order!
Wonderful! 😄
Hello Belinda-
Lovely to hear from you, just because you are such a positive glint of light on a dreary and troubled world. Yes I’ve heard that some places in Australia were 115 degrees! That even beats Texas, when I was 10 years old and one summer it was 111. I’m feeling more grateful and blessed every newscast as I see the Minneapolis Minnesota (streets I used to frequent in the 1960’s) clotted with snow and freezing rain, and the winds tearing at that one small peep-hole slit you dare to allow yourself between hat and earmuffs and wool muffler, so you can squint your eyes against the icy wind. So glad I’ here now, California.
I gave up on the Beta reader thing because there was too much else that is more urgent to do. Never found a decent one at all,
I have done some self-publishing that has worked out really well, Now looking into a global distribution system. I haven’t included Australia yet, I should. There seems to be a lot going on down there, and it’s only “far” by plane. Right next door by internet.
Best to you always, Belinda. Thank you for all you do. I’ll watch for your book.
Victoria C.
Thank you Victoria, and lovely that your self-publishing is going so well. It’s not quite that hot in Brisbane, thankfully!! But it has been a very hot and dry summer for many – and lots of flooding in the north. Ingram Spark is a good way to get books distributed globally, if you want to explore that. Best wishes with all your future endeavours. 🙂