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How to write a memoir that gets read, recommended and remembered
Some personal stories gather dust on a shelf. Others make a difference in the world. There is actually a simple secret to writing a book that gets read, recommended and … Read more

The Unexpected Story: When memoir becomes a different book
I've been reading and editing biography, memoir, and self-help built around personal stories for more than 20 years. And I recently published a light … [Read More...]

How to write a Personal Story or Memoir that people want to read
A personal story might be your own or someone else’s experiences. It could be a family history, a memoir, or a story about a particular event. It … [Read More...]

Writing memoir: Truth, fiction or something in between?
If you're writing memoir, you've made a good choice. Along with vampires and zombies, it is a genre du jour. People love to read the lives, struggles … [Read More...]

Putting your SELF into your writing: Exercise 1
Memoir is a popular genre these days, as people tell their personal stories and inspire others to overcome obstacles, cope with life, or even just … [Read More...]

Putting your SELF into your writing: Exercise 2
Writing that gives us insight into the writer’s life and emotions makes a personal story come alive. And the techniques we learn from releasing our … [Read More...]