There’s currently a lot of noise about social media in general and Twitter in particular, and many businesses are feeling pressured to get on the bandwagon. But is it worth it?
Twitter for Consumer Businesses
For businesses who interact direct with the general public, selling goods or services to a broad customer base, Twitter represents a valuable way to communicate with your customers and target markets. But the communication must be both genuine and two-way to work. If all you do is sell sell sell, they’ll unfollow promptly, or just not follow you in the first place.
Why would any customer follow your Twitter stream? You must have a good answer to that question. It will both determine whether you commit resources to Twitter, and if so, how and what you tweet.
Twitter for B2B Businesses
B2B (business to business) organisations need to think about Twitter differently. What can Twitter offer you that you don’t already have? At present, it’s unlikely that the presidents of multi-nationals are going to follow you on Twitter, so if they are your target market, the benefits may be limited.
If you have a large workforce, it can be a useful way to keep in touch with them, to humanise the face of your business. But once again, they need to be the type of workforce who are likely to be heavy Twitter users in the first place – currently, most likely to be knowledge workers, but that may well shift over time.
Don’t just jump on the Twitter bandwagon because everyone else is doing it; weigh up the pros and cons and make an intelligent choice for your business.
Twitter for Writing and Publishing Businesses
If your business is writing or publishing of any kind, the good and bad news is: you can’t afford to dodge Twitter any longer. However, once you’ve started tweeting, you’ll soon discover the benefits.
We strongly advise emerging authors, especially those who are self-published, to join Twitter and start using it intelligently. It presents opportunities to strengthen your writer “platform” while also connecting with other writers and publishing professionals all around the world. You will be astounded at what you learn in just a few short months, if you use it wisely. For more, see the links below.
Why Emerging Authors Need Twitter
Beginner Twitter for Busy Authors in One Hour Per Week
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